Kolekcija je izradena od recikliranih materijala (stare plahte), ručno oslikane Gzamutima, (Dugo imam ideju o postojanju Gzmauta, hibridnih vrsta koje imaju sumerske oči i ne služe ničemu. Obično su bespolni, vole se opijati i veseliti. Pojavljuju se kad ih najmanje očekujete, sami ili u grupi, i ne postavljaju nikakva pitanja. Postoje dvije podvrste: meki i tvrdi. Često njihove likove oslikavam na svojima kreacijama.)
Krojevi nemaju nikakve sličnosti sa nečim što bi danas trebalo prestavljati modni trend.
Ova anti trend kolekcijama se uglavnom na modnim revijama prestavljala bez glazbene podloge, umjesto toga bi se čitao sljedeći tekst:

U ovo vrijeme, jednokratnih, brzopotrošnih materijala, čija posljedica je, super konzumerizam, reciklaža je jedini odgovor svakog malo svjesnijeg pristupa životu sa krajnjim ciljem povećanja ekološki čistog, duhovnog, te materijalnog prostora naših života.
Stvaranje, kreiranje, po zakonima tržišta, poštivanje diktata super trendova za posljedicu imaju gubitak osobnosti stvaratelja-kreatora, te površinsku brzoprolaznu senzaciju kod onih kojima su takve kreacije namjenjene.
Razmišljajući o profitu, o ušteđevini vremena, zaboravili smo na individualnost, na jedini pravi smisao ljudskosti koja se izgubila u uniformiranosti, kopiranju i štancanju ukusa. Raditi za ljudskost znači djelovati i stvarati iznutra, uzimati iz centra. Dozvoliti komunikaciju na novim razinama uvažavajuči razlike koje nas dovode do antiforme modela. Upravo te razlike nas čine ljudima, a najbolji način da ih izvučemo na površinu je da odmotamo kopije sa svojih tjela i dopustimo antiformi, anti trendu da govori između nas. Da naša oslikana osobnost koja proizlazi iz unutarnjih, jedinstvenih centara govori umjesto nas.


In these times of disposable, one-time usable materials, the consequence of which is super consumerism, recycling is the only response by any awareness-hightening aproach to life, which has as its goal more ecologically clean spiritual as well as material space we live in.

Creating and producing according to the laws of market, following the dictates of super- trends, leads to creators’ loss of individuality and a superficial, passing sensation in those the creations are intended for.

Concentrating on profits and time saving, we forget individuality, the only true meaningof humanness, which is lost in uniformity, copying and churning out of tastes. Working towards humanness means acting and creating from within, taking from the centre. Allowing communication at new levels, appreciating differences that lead us to the anti-form of creations. It is precisely these differences that make us human and the best way to drag them to the surface is to unwrap the copies from our bodies and let anti-form, anti-trend speak between us. To let our painted personality steming from our unique internal centres speak between us.

An invitation for a ride to one of the cleanest seas in the world, summer night life at its beautiful beaches in an equally clean and inocent dress illustrated with fantasy creatures that look like cute characters from a cartoon mocking the consequences of genetic mutation are the basic characteristics of this anti-trend collection. The basis of each of the pieces are hand-made drawings of lively colours, edged with black on a white surface – once a bed sheet. Geometrical cuts of contrasting colours (achieved by different techniques of painting-colouring) bear no reseblance to what is ment to represent the fashion trend today, but which are nevertheless wearable in their quality of being different – daily pieces of clothing bearing the deepest expression of my personality, whose simplicity hides complex aesthetical and spiritual form.